About EDP and Community Futures

About EDP and Community Futures 2018-06-26T23:19:10+00:00

The Community Futures Program

British Columbia has 34 independent Community Futures offices that support economic development and labour market change for the rural communities they serve.

Each office supports small business development by providing business advice and repayable loans for qualified applicants. The Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program (EDP) is a special loans program designed for people with disabilities who may face additional obstacles in securing business financing from a chartered bank.

The EDP (Entrepreneurs with Disabilities loans program)

It began in 1997 through funding from Western Diversification and the support of the Community Futures network. Through the EDP, extra support is possible for business owners who have disabilities or chronic health conditions that impact their ability to run their businesses.

If you live in rural BC, have a viable business idea and are ready to open shop, see us about business loans through the EDP.

Community Futures small business services:

  • Assistance with developing a business plan
  • Local market information and networking
  • Access to small business loans
  • Referrals to other government sources

The EDP Loan:

  • repayable loans for new and existing businesses
  • for entrepreneurs with viable business plans
  • for people who self disclose a disability or ongoing health concern

As a financial lender, the Community Futures network requires a level of commitment demonstrated through the initial stages of research, learning and planning a business idea.

The EDP business loan can be used for a variety of projects that include:

  • starting or expanding your existing business
  • purchasing new technologies or upgrading existing technologies that support your business operations
  • upgrading facilities or equipment
  • developing new markets and promotional materials
  • establishing working capital for anticipated sales