EDP Contacts 2018-06-29T21:04:20+00:00

If you live in rural British Columbia and require further information about EDP repayable business loans and services, feel free to contact us.

The Community Futures EDP Provincial Coordinator can be reached at:

Community Futures British Columbia

Our beautiful website that informs you about the Community Futures network in BC and the rest of Canada

Pan Western EDP Programs

Through the generous support of Western Economic Diversification, EDP is offered in the four western provinces: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. Please follow these links to locate EDP outside of BC:

Pan Western Community Futures Network

Find out more about Community Futures across Western Canada!

Community Futures British Columbia Privacy Policy

Community Futures British Columbia is committed to respecting and protecting the personal privacy of our clients. We are committed to complying with the provisions of the BC Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA).

We acknowledge that safeguarding your personal information is an important responsibility. We take this responsibility seriously. If you have any questions about the security of our website, or about our privacy policies or procedures, you can contact our Privacy Officer: info@communityfutures.ca