Business Loan Application

//Business Loan Application
Business Loan Application 2018-10-15T20:52:17+00:00

Loan programs start with either calling the office and arranging an appointment with our business analysis team, or downloading the business planning pages from our website to work through before visiting our office to discuss your plan with our Business Analysis team.


To obtain a loan, specific financing criteria must be met, including completing a Business Loan Application.

You can download the Business Loan Application in WORD or PDF format.

A complete Loan Application Package consists of:

  • A business plan
  • A cash flow forecast for the next 12 months (detailed month-by-month; click “Download the Financials Template” on this page to get the Cash Flow Forecast))
  • Financial statements for previous years (if this is an existing business)
  • A resume from each principal / owner of the company
  • A loan application (detailed personal and financial history, etc.)


There are no costs for having your Business Plan and Business Loan Application reviewed. If you require specialized business planning and development services or training, fees may apply. However, you will be informed of this in advance.