Appendices 2018-02-13T00:07:56+00:00




The following provides a list of the supporting documentation that is required (as applicable) to support your Business Plan and/or your request for funding:

  • Owner’s Drawings (from your Financials document)
  • Sales Forecast (from your Financials document)
  • Cash Flow Projection for Year (from your Financials document)
  • Resume (yours and key team members, include certificates and credentials)
  • Insurance (business liability and business vehicle, you may attach quotes)
  • Customer Survey Results (a summary of your customer survey results)
  • Map of the Market Area (a map of the area, if necessary)
  • Sample Agreements (for customers/contractors or suppliers)
  • Promotion Samples (articles/publicity/previous advertisements)
  • Price Schedule (for product or service – menu, price list etc.)
  • Letters of Intent (on letterhead and signed or email with top included, needs to include the product or service your potential client is willing to purchase, the price they are willing to pay, how many times and over what period of time)
  • Lease Agreement (only if leasing premises)
  • Landlord Agreement Letter (only if renting and homebased)
  • Past Financial Statements (if available and purchasing an existing business)
  • Loan Proposal (if you are applying for a business loan)
  • Offers to Purchase (if you have a pending offer on property, equipment or assets)
  • Asset Purchase Quotes (for capital asset purchases if you are getting a loan)
  • Tax Assessments and/or Property Appraisals (if you are using property to secure a loan)
  • Other (any other items of importance to your business)


-Review the List of Appendices and delete any that are not relevant and add any additional Appendices you have mentioned in your business plan.

-Attach relevant Appendices.

STEP 34 Return To the Executive Summary


-Complete the insert information, delete insert instructions when completed.

STEP 35 Final Edits


Complete a final review of the business plan…

-Remove any "insert" messages

-Remove any "steps" messages

-Edit the Table of Contents to reflect any deletions or insertions in the content of your plan

-Check the spacing and make adjustments so that charts are not broken into two pages

-Delete any unused lines in the charts

-Spell Check


-Print your Business Plan document and your Appendices and combine into one full document for submission. Do not cut and paste any appendices into the business plan document.

-Submit your Business Plan!

Business Plans

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